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Hello and welcome. I am Kath Revell, aka Ninja Granny, and I live in Liskeard, Cornwall. I love tai chi and love to practise, especially outside. There are so many benefits to Tai chi, Qigong and Somatics - they are holistic, benefitting you on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.   





The three main things I offer are:

Tai chi: 

Chen style, Laojia or old form (74 patterns)

Yang style, 24 form



Sequences include Five Animals, Ba Duan Jin, Shen Jin Ba Gu, Yi Jin Jing, Daoyin and Da Wu.


Movement classes as well as private Clinical Somatic Education sessions. 


Shen Jin Ba Gu

Shen Jin Ba Gu means "Lengthen the Ligaments, Open the Joints". This video shows the exercise from front and back view so you can follow. It doesn't take long to learn it for yourself. If you do it every day you will notice the improvement in your joints, especially your hips and shoulders. You will also find your strength and stamina increase.

This exercise was taught to me by Rose Oliver from the Double Dragon Alliance.


Sundays 11am, Westbourne Park, Liskeard. 

All Welcome. Bring water to drink and come prepared for whatever the weather!

Tai chi in Westbourne Park, Liskeard. FREE CLASS!

What people have said...

"My GP is very happy I am doing Tai chi and I would fully recommend it, especially this class, to anyone at any age for relaxation, well-being and physical fitness".








"What has been very beneficial to me is the improvement I have found in my hips. My arthritis is greatly improved since starting Tai chi to the extent that I was considering surgery a few months ago and now do not need it".


Classes begin again 15th Jan
Newcomers welcome!

Here is the full weekly timtable: 

Classes info 25.jpg
General poster Jan24.jpg

I offer one to one sessions in Tai chi, Qigong and Somatics, including Clinical Somatic Education and Shiatsu massage. Please email or phone to discuss.


Indoor classes: £8,
Online classes: £6
Outdoor class: FREE!
Private sessions: £35 plus travel 
Reductions for multiple classes per week.

email or phone 07729907056

Pay by cash or BACS. Phone or email for details.

Micheal Mosley PIC.jpg

Click this link  to hear Michael Mosley's episode about the benefits of Tai chi. 

Laojia Short Form Book Cover

This is step by step booklet of the Laojia Short Form, available free to all Tai chi students. 


"I'm doing really well, I've been keeping my practising going. My pain has 85 percent gone, I can't believe it. I'm not pushing too hard but I'm looking at trying to build some strength now so I've started swimming again. I am also standing better, my husband has noticed when I walk with him". 





"It is a lovely class with no pressure and everyone is very friendly".


Ninja Granny logo


Kath Revell

07729 907056

fb ninja granny

Member of Tai chi Union for Great Britain

Member of Chinese Internal Arts Assocation

Tai chi Union GB logo
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